
can't get away.

I attended a Daily Bruin party last night, and it was weird seeing everyone from the office again. At those parties, everyone always asks "What section do you work in?" I found myself hesitating each time someone asked me. It's not that I don't work there anymore, it's that it feels like everything I worked for just drifted away with the change in leadership. The paper itself is ever-evolving by necessity. Unlike the real world, it's just a checkmark on an application or a line on a resume more than it is a lifetime commitment. Which is sad. Because seeing everyone last night made me so happy. I met so many amazing new interns and talked to people I have seen in ages. It felt a little bit like a family reunion, only everyone else there spends hours and hours together during the week. I was there for three hours and in between the handshakes and dancing like crazy and high fives and inside jokes, I found myself very happy - nostalgic even - and wishing I could return to the paper once again full-time.

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