
love me all over again.

Your voice brings me back to everything I once knew. Those desperately cold nights in your room under the windowsill. How you used to always push me onto your futon mattresses and watch me drop, then jump in after me. All of the smiles and the embraces. I miss it so much. Now that I am free and so far away, I wonder if there is anything more pure than that. Because your voice releases a biological response in me. I shake, I perspire even, I open myself so completely. I mean those words. Even if I clouded all of our memories with bad decisions, I meant it all. I want to start over new somewhere. Take a flight to London and stay there. With you. Maybe that's all the perspective I need. I can't break any more hearts.

So one question is left. One small, unanswerable question: Is the happiest that you have ever been the happiest that you will ever be?

I think I'm greedy like Faust, hungering for love and happiness. In the end, only I will be left hurting.

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