
right about now.

Yesterday, I interviewed for my Dublin job and the interviewer also tried to convince me to move to Argentina. ... I just might do it. The most amazing thing about graduating in less than 5 months and getting the fuck out of this city is that even places I never thought I'd ever see are within my reach. The thing is, I can even get paid to live in these places, and perhaps that is the most fantastic thing about all of these new chances I am taking. The man said it was likely I could get either job in either city, so now it's up to me. Do I want to live with an Argentinian family and work at a school there and help re-build a library for children? Or do I want to live in an apartment in Dublin and work for a magazine and travel all over Europe? Both sound so exciting I can hardly contain myself.

On Wednesday, I rode my bike to school in the sunshine. On the way home (and this is totally unrelated), I decided that I will never settle for someone who is not curious about other lives they might have lived. And I mean so curious as to get the fuck off their asses and live them and not let me do all the living. I won't settle for someone who will settle for that. Besides, I don't think anyone less could handle being with me. Anyway, that was my moment of complete self-understanding, and I thought I would share.

I am heading back to Westhood tonight.


Unknown said...

I wanna go fun places. :(

So jealous. Raar.

siege said...

go to them then, dorko! if you ever want any info about that kind of stuff, i'm practically a certified counselor. though not at all. but kinda. you know what i mean.