
painting streets.

As of today, I have two publishing job offers. Finally.

I spent all day lounging on the beach in Santa Monica with Leslie. We saw dolphins... in the ocean! Like, not in a zoo. That's the first time I have ever seen them in real life. Leslie said she was glad to be there for that.

It was about 85 degrees. It's January. I am wearing shorts and a tank top. What the hell?

So there is this newspaper job in a small town in Ireland that I am applying for. They hire American students for some reason. I think it would be hilarious to write news stories for a town smaller than Burlingame. Also, it would probably leave me enough free time to read a lot of contemporary Irish writers, study for the GRE's, learn another language, take art classes, go to pubs, and get a part-time job at a cafe to meet people my own age. Uh, yeah. That's my one-year plan. As of today.

The weekend plan: party in Westwood tomorrow, hang out Friday and try to breathe and write and do yoga and play tennis (that's my new hobby, so exciting!) and then go out to bars, shopping Saturday, club social Saturday night, and Sunday is catch up day.

Next week, I may be going to some sort of slam poetry night with people from the lit mag. I'm thinking of reading some poetry that I love (probably not my own unless I can write something before then). This quarter, I am all about putting myself in new situations to open myself up to brand new experiences. So that is new thing #43 I have done in 2009.

It's a good year for Carrie. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...
