
je n'aime pas beaucoup.

With my new job, with Westwind, with my friends, with my classes, with my thesis, with my writing, with French, everything is piling up again. Yet for some reason, even though I'm sitting here in the library across from a guy immersed in calculus notes, homework problems, and textbook pages, I cannot convince myself that I really need to start working before my meeting at 6. Not so good in the time management area right now.

Last night, I remembered why Leslie is one of the most amazing people I have ever known. She so immediately wants to care. She so immediately reminds you that you're being a retard. And that that's okay. This was before the episode of 30 Rock with Gerhardt Hapsburg and after we sang "If I Were a Boy" really loud in the living room.

Inauguration. Barack Obama. There, I acknowledged that too.

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