
oh my god, lady.

I'd like to write this entry in all caps because that's how I feel. And I hate writing summaries because who the fuck cares about another human beings day-to-day life, but this is no ordinary day. So I will share.

I got the internship with a wonderful publishing house! Which means my mind has been made up for me, and I'm going to be working my butt off and I'm going to be getting real paid this summer. And all in San Francisco, a few steps from Powell, in a beautiful building with unbelievably talented people.

I checked my e-mail five minutes ago and my midterm was cancelled.

A UCLA cheerleader is coming to our apartment to see about renting my room. She's totally cute.

All of these mind-blowing, de-stressing, perfect things happening all at once. Has someone close to me been hurt? It's not possible at all that things could be this good. Oh, shut up, Carrie. Be happy and immodest for once.

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