
one by one.

Perhaps in either place, the grass will feel the same. Perhaps the sun shines through the clouds the same, the heat of little sun-drenched slivers of light falling to my feet through the filter of a tree's branches. In the night, the stars will blur together the same, reminding me of home (or at least a place I once considered a home). As I tilt my head upwards, look into the orange glow of a street lamp, my eyelashes capture drops of water. I think of the singularity of places. But I can't help but feel similarities exist; similarities must exist. I am not sure I will ever be able to quantify the differences, the vast gaps in meaning and definition between one location and another. What good would it do? All I am sure of is that I can find home under drops of water, under street lamps, pressed against my kitchen cabinet, inhaling the warm and salty scent of the skin across your neck. Whether I find something in one place or another is of no consequence. I suppose grass and sunlight and the brightness of the moon mean nothing. I only know I like the weight of you.


Unknown said...

This does not further elaborate on your last post.

What happened?

siege said...

It totally elaborates on the last post! Nothing happened specifically, I'm just very confused-happy. That doesn't make any sense, but I suppose it does.

Unknown said...

Makes perfect sense to me!