
right here.

In limbo:

My thesis has sat untouched for over two weeks. I e-mailed my adviser to tell him I am "working hard," but I suppose that was actually an excuse for my procrastination. Not a lie, though, I swear.

I found out that Wiley has several offices throughout the UK - even in Edinborough. So I plan on contacting my former colleagues from there and begging for some contacts abroad. If that fails (which, knowing me, it will), I will be signing up for this other internship thing I found out about. Costs money though, which sucks.

I saw Brian last week. It was really really nice, and also really really refreshing to remember that no matter what happens between us, we can always go back to the way we were. That kind of consistency is amazing, and also much-needed in my life right now.

I need a job. I've been unemployed too long, and my money somehow seems to be disappearing. I wonder how that's happening?

And, finally, my parents came and visited last weekend for Veteran's Day (my dad is a Vietnam vet), and we went to the Getty and the Getty Villa and we had designated family nap times at 3 pm. I miss my parents so so so much. Makes me want to go to grad school at Berkeley or Stanford and never leave home again (you know, after the year abroad).

small birdie at the getty.

my own margaret bourke-white photograph.

the getty villa in the morning.

oh my god i love this little guy. he looks like he's riding a turkey, which is all right with me.

my mom and dad at the villa.


Unknown said...

Oh, how I wish I could go back to the way things were. Does Brian have a DeLorean? Is that how you two accomplish that?

Time travel sounds great. Could I borrow that thing for a weekend? I can bring it back before you even lend it to me, so it's no big deal.

siege said...

Brian wishes he had a DeLorean.

Unknown said...

Maybe his future self can send him one.

siege said...

Maybe. Just maybe. I guess we'll see... in the future.

Brett said...

I've wanted to meet your parents ever since they called John "that nice Chinese boy."

PS -- If you're looking for paid jobs/internships in the UK, I'm a fan of this site: http://www.w4mp.org/
Some are political, but I've seen several PR/Publishing/Research stuff.

siege said...

oh thank you thank you thank you!

and, yes, my mother in particular has problems with assuming that Asian people are Chinese. It's embarrassing.