
everything is nothing at all.

No. I don’t know what I am doing. I need time to myself, need to be alone. Why do I somehow always get myself into shit like this? It’s an endless, heartless cycle. I so do not need this right now. Woke up feeling off, couldn’t get out of bed. I stumbled to the kitchen, found a note. Just make it all go away. Where has my own life gone? I need to call my friends and go to cafes and be myself. Just myself. For no one else. Even if that means I will die alone. This is a lot like being addicted to drugs or alcohol or anything else. At the end of it all, I am alone and empty and lost. Yes.


Unknown said...

We are all alone.

siege said...

Do you actually believe that that is true?

Unknown said...

I don't know, but sometimes I wonder how it could be false.