
softly strumming, strumming my heartstrings.

Today at work, my boss made me run all kinds of errands that did not teach me anything about the publishing industry. I did, however, learn that full color business cards take at least 4 business days to make.

Mostly, I've been doing my own learning. I now read Publisher's Weekly weekly and I also am getting to know all of the main publishing houses and their individual imprints. I'm a big enough nerd that I've begun to create a spreadsheet of what they do and what they publish.

Someday, maybe someday, I'll be on someone's contact list.

On the other side of my life, I hate all of my classes. Except, interestingly, for my psych class. But the English class I'm taking right now is wholly uninspiring. I'm studying the mystery genre (Agatha Christie and the like) and it's just about as far from literarily stimulating as can be. I have a midterm in that class tomorrow, but I couldn't care less. I'll pull some Sherlock Holmes shit and deduce the answers from my own ingenuity. Or something like that.

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