
that's not what i heard.

Wouldn't life be so much better if you could press the off button on certain people without hurting their feelings and without risking ruining a friendship?

The only issue is that no off button exists. And men are completely dictated by their hormones, so no friendship with them is every truly pure, I feel. We may kid ourselves, but it's true.

I think, however much this sucks, it does prove that we women are of a higher order. We may not be able to bond over "hot chicks" (conventional aesthetics are so passe, even just for carnal uses) and beer, but... Wait, there is no but there. We don't bond over those shallow and unfulfilling means. I don't even need to say, then, that this very fact says something deeply depressing about the gender role of the man in modern America (and, sadly, I know many men who fit into this stereotype). This very fact underlines how unfulfilling the real world will be for so many who live from one sexual fantasy to the next. It's quite sad, really.

Does anyone want to refute my theory? Please do. I will need a resume, though. Please include contact info.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This would make an excellent column topic--I bet most women feel the same way about their male friends