

It seems that in the Supreme Court these days, justice is the opposite of being served. In a 5-4 decision, the Justices ruled today that workers can only petition for pay discrimination within 180 days of their pay being set. Um, I'm sorry, but have you been in an office recently? People don't talk about how much they're paid. So you won't ever know you're being discriminated against just because you have a vagina until one of your drunken male co-workers blurts it out one night while you're at a crazy office party. And, generally, it'll take you about 90 days - at least - to feel comfortable enough to see said co-worker wasted off his ass. Then, of course, another 90 days until he's comfortable enough around you to talk about his paycheck.

O'Connor never would've let this shit happen. I'm so glad that the United States is regressing 40 years. I might as well aspire for mediocrity and second-best if that's all they're going to give me.

But, no, women of America, I think it's time we kick some ass. Even if that means getting rid of the women who give us a bad name (Britney Spears, girls on any VH1 reality show, Harriet Miers, that girl who sits behind you in your Comm class), it's what has to be done. Let's hold Ruth Bader Ginsburg's rational and not-completely-big-corporation-absorbed hand and jump up and down until someone stops to see what we're doing. Then we'll explain that we can jump just as high as any man can (I'm not sure what the actual statistics are, but metaphorically speaking). And that we can work just as hard as any man can. And that we're sick and effing tired of being told we are of less worth and that we will never achieve as much as someone with bigger shoulders and a deeper voice. Just make sure to wear a sports bra. We want the right kind of attention.


Unknown said...

I like you

Anonymous said...

Brilliant. You should submit this manifesto for publication.