
sunny and cold.

I apologize for the recent disappearance. My life devolved into reading, studying, watching re-runs of Top Chef, and Christmas shopping for a few days.

But now I am home again, sitting beside my kittens, who are currently licking each other's heads.

This break, I plan on escaping to Portland, OR and going up to the city a lot. My best friend, Marie, is home from 6 months in Spain, and it's been so eye-opening hearing all of her stories from abroad.

In other news, riots have broken out all over Athens. I wonder if that will make it a good time or a bad time for me to teach kids English. Apparently, it all stems from economic divisions in Greece, which I suppose I can relate to quite well. But what if the kids rebel one day and beat me up and then the police arrest me and then I go to jail and then my life becomes a story of an innocent American abroad, jailed at the behest of the Greek government, wishing I had just chosen Ireland after all? Oh gosh, what if?

I saw Slumdog Millionaire last night. That movie was just a lot of fun. And the two little boys just broke my heart. And now if someone would sit through Nothing Like the Holidays with me, that would just be very nice.

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