
at last.

Got my wisdom teeth pulled today, watched half of the first season of Californication while on vicodin. Now it has worn off and my mouth is dying a little bit. Stronger painkillers please.

It's nice having people bring me smoothies and applesauce and mashed potatoes and make me cream of wheat though. Still, I want to go out tomorrow night and I need my cheeks to de-puff by then, even if the chipmunk look kind of works for me.

I have an interview with a magazine I love love love when I get back to LA. And, no, it isn't a fashion magazine, thank God.


Unknown said...

That sucks. I got mine out and it SUCKED. I couldn't eat for like three weeks because I'm a big baby. I was proud that I took zero pain killers though. I think I took two Tylenol later that day, and that was it. Damn teeth.

Good luck with the interview. If you get it, I hope you like it more than the last one. :-D

siege said...

I don't understand how you could go three weeks without pain killers. You must have special powers.

Unknown said...

I know. It's terrible. :( I just had the bottoms ones though. My top ones were missing because apparently.

My advice is to do what I did: complain. Do it often, and do it constantly. Channel your pain into complaining. Complain to EVERYONE you know. Make new friends just so you can complain to them. Go to places where there's lots of good food, and then yell at everyone for being assholes and eating in front of you. You gotta make sure you make it like you are the only person who has ever experienced such pain. It's all about channeling your pain and making it someone else's fault! :D

For serious though, I woke up like every day and checked on my little bloody holes. They are so gross, and your breath smells so bad. Of course being a paranoid neurotic lunatic, I assumed that I was healing bad, or got some kind of infections, or they were never going to heal, so I'd sit there and poke them with something, even though they totally tell you not to do that. I'm surprised I DIDN'T get an infection.

I am here to tell you that, despite what you may think, you may once again be able to eat food. Maybe. Don't count on it though. Get used to eating water. Zero calories! Zero carbs!

Good luck with your little bloody sockets, Ms. Carrie... hmmm. Ms. Carrie something. I'm going to call you Ms. Carrie Internets from now on.

siege said...

Complaining is great. I tried it, and it gets you lots of free food and pity. Which means less responsibility and more relaxation. Good for everybody.

I know you aren't supposed to brush your teeth right after the surgery, because I'm kind of crazy about that stuff, so I did it anyway. Bad idea. But at least it was a mint-flavored bad idea.

And thanks for the little bit of hope. I have been eating solid food, but then I have to wash my mouth out with salt water afterwards. Tell me, what is the point of indulging in a chocolate bar if the taste isn't allowed to linger in your mouth? Why have my no-longer-existing wisdom teeth taken all the pleasure out of my existence. Spite, probably...

-Ms. Carrie Internets