
hold on.

So I really want to get into more contemporary books. I've spent the last six years indulging myself in Joyce, Baldwin, and Wilde in my free time. I think it is about time I got in touch with the modern literary world (no, I'm not implying I read more Faulkner). I mean, books written in the last 5 or so years.

Does anyone know an AMAZING website that has a list of REALLY good contemporary books? Or do you have a magazine or news source (for example, The New Yorker, Nylon, Publisher's Weekly) who you really trust when looking for books? Basically, my requirements are that they be: 1) nuanced, 2) full of literary devices used seamlessly, so I barely even notice they're there and have to think about them for a really long time, 3) have a good mix of witty memoirs, funny novels, dramatic novels, no mystery or detective fiction, depictions of city life, and possibly even some really great non-fiction works.

Or maybe you know of some books that you would suggest?

Because right now, the most recent book that I have read was Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and I LOVED that novel. But it has been far too long. I've heard I should read Dave Eggers, but he's a little too self-aware for my taste. I also enjoy David Sedaris. And I am really looking forward to the day when I have enough cash to pick up that French guy's book (Bayard, is it?) on how to talk about books you've never read.

So that's where I am right now.

Also, if anyone knows of any contemporary poets I should read, I'd appreciate those ideas as well.

And finally, I just found out that JANE magazine went under. My life is seriously over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is this your way of transitioning into your exciting Viewpoint column that's about to make its debut? -Brett :)