
periodic table of the elements.

My friends and I drove to Santa Cruz yesterday afternoon. Today, we took a hike to a well-hidden river and sat on the rocks until the sun ran away from us. The water was cold, but I appreciated it. I even drank some of it, which I've been warned countless times not to do. I navigated my way through the water upstream and found a rock a few steps away from the boys - they were naked, mind you - to think for awhile. Nature tends to have that effect on me.

So I looked down at the water, up at the sky, to the sand where the lizards skimmed left and right. I tried to think. My mind wandered over Los Angeles, San Francisco, Burlingame, the USC campus, the Humanities Building, Bar 903, Killarney National Park, Fabric, the BHS pool, Daly City. It refused to stay put. So I discovered nothing, realized nothing. Only that nothing in my life could ever have been mapped out and charted. So thinking about it won't do me any good. I've always remembered the things I've chosen with my body better than the things I've chosen with my mind anyway.

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