
there it is.

a: positively... magical.

Maybe it's the British in me, but whenever I hear about Prince William and this new girl of his (Kate Middleton), I get oddly jealous. She seems so normal, so regular. When you enter the royal family, it's not like meeting a man's evil mother, it's like you have to put on Givenchy and be P-E-R-F-E-C-T. Yet it's so odd how this girl is so normal. A whirlwind of change must be coming about her. She's in love with a prince for god's sake. I think somewhere deep inside me, I feel like I could do what she's doing. And it makes me sad. Because there she is, kissing this beautiful future King of England (I don't care if it IS only symbolic), and here I am, sitting on my butt thinking of what errands I need to run tomorrow. Hmmmm...

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