
one more thing.

I decided that if love does exist, it resides in spontaneity.

Dropping by for a surprise date. Now that is love.
Calling me two hours beforehand to see if I'm free. Now that is faking it.

But, in the real world, you have to call ahead it seems. Well I'm not for that. I think of all of the romantic notions that I alone have fostered, that have not been affected by the media's influence, and they all include an element of surprise. So when I say that I am looking for someone adventurous, I don't mean mountain climbing. I mean, call me just to ask what time it is. Or, better yet, call me at 2:46 am to talk about the eternal forms (yes, I've written about this one before) or ask if I want to share a bottle of wine (or a can of coke and a sandwich) with you on a lonely patch of Los Angeles grass.

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