
storks and shit.

When planning for my best friend's baby shower makes me want to have a kid just so I can buy him or her a onesie and decorate it, I know I have a problem on my hands. Sam says my biological clock just started working. I say I like the idea of being endlessly occupied. There are definitely better outlets for that than warping a child's life (which I would undeniably do at the stage of life I am in right now).

Other than that, the shower has made me realize I am an obsessive planner, but also that I thrive in fast-paced, stressful situations. What this means for my future, I have yet to learn.

All of this makes me realize I need to get my butt over to New Zealand and start living the life I had meant to be living. October 19th can't come soon enough.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You should probably go to New Zealand, get pregnant and have a shotgun wedding. And then maybe things play out like some kind of cliché young adult comedy, where you hate each other at first but then grow into it, surrounded by the inspiring beauty that is New Zealand.

And through the ordeal that becomes your life, you'll have this close friend with you by your side that you met the first week you got there. An older guy, Jules. He'll be your guide. A reasonably neurotic person, divorced a few times. He's a professor. Made all the mistakes. You're oddly attracted to him, despite now being married, but it never goes anywhere.

And then you find out... well, I wouldn't want to give away the ending.