

Aujourd'hui, j'ai un examen dans ma classe de francais et je suis tres fatiguee, et je ne veux pas le faire, et je ne comprends la langue, et je pense que ma vie est absurde. Et, peut-etre, je veux aller a la campagne avec un bel homme, je sais un homme que je voudrais amener avec moi. shh, c'est secret.

All I really want in life is to sit on the beach, in a park, in the middle of the forest, and read and eat omelettes. Are these things compatible at all? Probably not. Until then, I will settle for sitting in my apartment, studying, imagining all the other places I'd like to go.

This is one of them:


Unknown said...

Fresno never looked so good!

siege said...

trkeowyktrlwmbsv i know right!?! maybe it isn't so bad after all! ....

nope, still standing firm on my decision.

Unknown said...

Don't be ridiculous. You know that you want THIS to be your life.

siege said...

you must be able to read my mind because that is exactly where i want to spend my 20s, raising my kids and working at a gas station.