
beach boardwalk.

I spent the weekend in Santa Cruz with Amber. It was quite the Memorial Day weekend. We arrived at 11PM Friday and I never stopped moving (except to sit sedentary in the car for 8 hours today) until just now.

The sky was gray pretty much the entire time we were there, but we walked to the beach anyway. I met some amazing people and spent time with some of my favorite people in the entire world. Santa Cruz and Los Angeles are like sisters who don't get along. They have many similar features (bars, delis, beaches, house parties, highways), but they play them out differently. So differently that they cannot relate to one another and they've slowly lost contact over the years.

My best friend is having a baby. She is 21 years old, and we have been friends since the second grade. Even though we've lived apart for 4 years, I talk to her at least once a week (usually more) and feel closer to her than ever. And I feel that, in many ways, she is still a child herself. Hell, we're all still little helpless kids. But regardless of what her actual age may be, or what her financial situation is, or her status with her boyfriend, she has decided to become an adult. I will stand tall beside her and love that child to death, just as much as I love her. I worry, of course, that this will change our friendship. It will, inevitably. It makes me terribly sad and terribly sick inside. But I know that she is doing what is right for her. One day I'll look back at this strange time in our lives and think how odd it is that things could have ever turned out differently. C'est la vie.

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