
ground beef smileys.

I am completely overextended, and I didn't even know it until now.

Honors Thesis
Literary Mag Editor
3 Classes
Intern at Magazine
Freelance Editor for Literary Agent
Party Girl by Night

Oh, how do I do it all and still plan for my six months in Ireland and make new friends and start writing for the LA blog again? Not possible, perhaps?

I guess I'll have to make it possible. If I don't update for three months, it's because I've died on my desk or somewhere between Powell and the Arts Library and forgotten to let everyone know.


Unknown said...

Busy is good. :)
Gratz on all the good stuff there. :D

Do you have an email address? If I can't harass your comments, can I please harass your inbox?

siege said...

hmmm i'm a bit weary of just throwing it out on here. i'll figure something out.